GIF Photo Booth

Our GIF Booth takes three or four looping photos or short bursts of video (boomeranged). GIFs can be branded with static or animated overlays. They are super fun to make and super easy to share.

View the gallery and compatible products.

Boomerang GIF

A boomerang GIF (or burst GIF) is a short video clip, that plays forwards and then backwards. It gets looped, and the saved as an mp4 video, ready for sharing.

3 Photo GIF

A 3 photo GIF, is made up of 3 photos (duh) and then looped over and over. It gets saved as an mp4, ready for uploading to social.

Still not getting the GIF thing?

What is a GIF?

A GIF used to be one of those fugly, gaudy, blinky and offensive graphics used on websites back in the 90s when you were probably using Netscape Navigator and MySpace.

Today they are what makes the internet great. Short, looping video clips of people being fun, stupid, silly and/or awesome.

What's the difference between a GIF Booth and a Photo Booth?

Our regular photo booth takes 3 photos and then prints them out on a photo strip.

Our GIF Booths (Selfmatic, Selfmatic Pro or Pro Booth) take a quick burst of photos and turn them in to a 2-3 second looping clip. The clip can then be shared to your phone, email and/or social media.

OK, but does your GIF Booth print photos?

Boutique and Pro Booth can optionally print photos as well. Selfmatic and Selfmatic Pro are digital only and don’t print.

Can we brand our GIF or put our name on it?

For social events (weddings and parties) we personalise the GIF with your event details. For corporate and branded events you can fully customize the overlays with your own design.

How are the GIFs shared?

Once a guest makes their GIF, they will immediately have the option to share it to their phone via email. From there they can download it and post it to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc